I'm getting tired of this!
Before I actually review the entry, allow me to tell you a story...
A couple of years ago, I used to visit Liquid Generation all the time. Funny stuff! I'd eagerly wait for each update and I'd read the blog all the time for some good entertainment. After a while, though, it just wasn't entertaining. I was just getting tired of all the repetitive celebrity references(which, by the way, were ALWAYS the same fucking celebrities you guys happened to pick on)! I'd still visit it, though. I'd still get a couple of chuckles.
Then you left the website. You were my favourite in the LG staff. Slippy can be witty but he can be annoying and the way monkey makes fun of gay men is over the top and even more annoying.
You should have never left LG! Watching your zipperfish stuff is painful. You resort to the same type of low humor as the other guys EVEN after leaving the website. It still looks too much like LG. Of course, in my oppinion, I find LG much better than Zipperfish but that's not the point... you're talented at flash. And you look like a funny guy as well. Unfortunately, you waste it all. Leaving LG could be a good way for you to try different things. Who cares about celebrities?! But watching this sort of stuff makes me wonder why exactly you left LG.
On to a general review of your entries:
You're still making the same sort of crap! The same homophobic jokes, the unhealthy obsessions with Britney's breasts, the same childish jokes about her being a slut(true, in a way, but it's only funny once) and all other kinds of cheap shots at humor all over the place. ENOUGH, ALREADY! I can't see how people still manage to find your work to be anywhere near funny!
And the actual review?!:
A collection of Britney Spears pictures being showcased as you make horribly unfunny comments. You're merely making observations and it doesn't sound funny to me. Just annoying. It doesn't help that you made that character gay, the same way you did with 100 or so other homophobic creations of yours.
Nice try, though. Next time try putting some effort into it. Repeating the same jokes all the time is NEVER funny.